Saturday, December 15, 2007

My Political Slants

Lately, I have been pissed at some of the news I have read. The Senate tries to pass an energy bill, only to have parts of it clipped by Republicans and threats of a veto from the White House if the elimination of tax breaks on the oil industry was carried out. The FCC wishes to continue media consolidation of smaller stations into media conglomerates who already have a hold on much of what we see and hear. The economy is controlled by those who want to drive their bottom lines up and get people who might be cautious of spending what little they have on goods they don't necessarily need, sometimes forcing them into debt they have trouble getting out of it.

I'm not the most politically charged guy on the block, but just hearing about stories like this put me on edge. Let's face it: if you are part of a corporation, then I'm not a fan of what you do or what your company stands for. But I also cannot live comfortably without them , seeing that they provide so many necessary services to our country. It's when they abuse their streams of money, streams that are meant for the citizens in need generously given to them by their government. It's when you exploit cheap labor and resources in other countries just to save money and shift jobs away from the countries they were formed in. It's when they hide what they do and what they make under a cloud of optimistic, we-can't-do-any-wrong public relations campaigns.

I have been fascinated by the corporate complex for a while now, by the way it turns and how it turns economics into a tool of infinite growth. Any growth comes at some price however, whether it be through use of natural resources, labor power, or the trade of one thing for another. To decide on the question of unlimited profits involves deciding on how you feel about economic growth in general (moderated growth in my case).

On the other hand, some of the Democrats are crazy too. Fighting for the common good is fine and all, but no one party is to blame for our problems. Things happen on all levels of government due to bad decisions from several officials regardless of policy. The Democrats are so adamant on pushing for renewable energy when it will take much more to reduce our need for petroleum. If there is one thing that the oil guys have right, it is that oil is used in more than just gasoline. Gasoline seems to be targeted because it is visible, is used by almost everyone, and is a product that represents a huge industry that some Democrats stand against.

The most striking thing our government has failed to do is give consideration to long-term policy in favor of short-term fixes. Ignorance is prevalent in any policy, giving favor to immediate fixes like tax breaks over longer-term fixes like overhauling the tax system. Few people in Congress seem to appreciate true long-term planning; I mean beyond trying to get us to use more ethanol based fuels by 2020, I mean real long term thinking. This means taking into account what could happen if a given policy is implemented, understanding both the risks and consequences of your actions ten or twenty years from now. Saying we will use ethanol in our fuel doesn't necessarily mean we have ways to encourage its use, nor does it account for how we will deal with other sources of petroleum use. Not to mention it will benefit the large agriculture companies like Monsanto, who thrive on growing their special brand of genetically modified corn.

I will use this space in the future to bring out articles that illustrate issues that concern me. I will say my piece, and maybe one day others will voice theirs. Hell, even if I can just get my opinion out somewhere, I'd probably feel a lot better.

Let's see how far this will take me and other people that are reading this. Everything is still connected as I said when I first started this blog, but my opinions have probably gone in stranger directions.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Riddle Status List


Dracula's Riddle 1/Dracula's Riddle 2 (Part 1)
Tim Tang Test-Toddler and Teen Levels, PPP, DAT, TLOC
The First Door/The Second Door/The Locked Box
Tricky's Riddles-Main Trail
Riddling Park
Riddles of Riddles-Everything, except Recharged
Zest-Normal and Exodus Levels (1-101)
Clever Waste of Time-Numeric Levels
The Roomz-Main Trail (1-45)
Neutral Riddle-Main Levels and Bonus (B)

Temp End:

P4X-Temp end at e9


Kelly Clarkson Riddle-Level 51
Notyoff-Level -1
Ikode Online Riddle-Level 17
Inward Hellix-Level 23
Amnesya-Level AC
Riddles of Riddles Recharged-Level 4

In Progress:

Clever Waste of Time-Alphabet Level S
Tim Tang Test-Cu (129), DTT (LXI)
Dracula's Riddle 2-Part 2 (Chapter 5)
Enigma Puzzle-Level 61
Swell-Level 63
Wayfarer's Riddle-Level 132
Mystery Quest-Bonus Quest #11
Mystery Challenge-Silver Challenge, Part 1
Ultimate Riddle-Level 64

If a riddle is not up here yet, then I have not gotten to it. If you need help, I am on most of these forums under the same name (Nytris Oxyde or some derivative). PM me if you are below any of these levels, and I will try to assist you. Be forewarned that I will not give you answers. You must work for them, and actually try to understand the level.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Busting the Door Open

Well, it finally happened. The people revolted, and the lobbyists won yet again. Business as usual in the government. For the first time, some people might actually get a sense of how the government works, and why the corporations come before the citizens.

In my mind, corporation is like a dirty word. On one hand, they drive our economy and our employment in ways previously unseen. They make the rich richer and even drive the standard of living up for the rest. At the same time, I am driven to hate them and what they do. They profit off of the poor and keep the resources of other countries for themselves. They often take the easiest route out, doing illegal and immoral things to drive the bottom line higher, all the while trying to give off a completely contradictory image. They assault America with images of advertising and consumerism, and help to foster false instincts connecting consumerism and possessions to happiness. I am too honest to work in a corporation; I could not willingly do some of the things they do without having a crisis of faith.

Still, I cannot entirely blame them for their actions. When everyone around you places emphasis on making as much money as possible regardless of the means, you have to act in ways you may not normally. I am willing to think that some of the economy's biggest players are actually decent people in normal life. They have to make money because it is their job. They might be forced to make harmful decisions to others because it is the cheapest alternative. The question I want to raise is where to draw the line. When does the greater good take precedence over money and power? When is it morally right to take the easy way out, and when it is right to stop and help out those in need? What obligations, if any, do these companies have to the people who buy their products versus the people who own shares in them? All are complex questions beyond the scope of a college student's blog, often involving answers that are just as complex.

I applaud the efforts of those protesting the closed-door actions of the government. They are doing the right thing in pushing against the oil lobbyists for their chance to be heard. I implore all who are reading this to protest to their local governments for mass transit programs around the country. To eight the push of the lobbyists, the consumers must push back harder. My only request is that you join a group that uses nonviolent means. I agree with the cause, but not with their rioting in the streets. That just reinforces the idea of an angry and unruly mob, when they are a group of rational humans just like everyone else.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Distance Between Many Points

Continuing from my last post, the situation with my dad isn't as bad as thought. He told me he actually flew down south more than he drove, so there wasn't much of a change needed anyway. Even with that out of the way, I still can't stop feeling helpless and useless in this time. Sure, I'm recycling more than I was, and I'm mowing my lawn with a push mower now--the physical stuff is good for my body anyways. This uselessness I'm feeling is a more emotional one than anything.

Even though I might be doing something locally to conserve gas, is what I'm doing actually any good? I mean, just because I'm doing something small doesn't mean everyone else will. The gallon of gas I willingly cut back on may just be used by someone else who hasn't cut back at all. Despite all the good the Netizens have tried to do, with all the sacrifices they have made, there are still those who act like nothing is happening, and just ignore everything around them in an act of selfishness.

Think about it; right now, nearly 20 million people in New York have to live in constant fear and loathing for the eventual day they cannot get the fuel they need. Some are already living in that nightmare already, while the nightmare is just around the corner for others. Meanwhile, here I am, making a post on the Internet, where less than one-hundredth of a percent of NYC's population is reading it. Is it alright if I feel that my actions are somewhat in vain?

Furthermore, what have I done to establish myself as reliable to you other Heroes? I could just be lying out my ass for all you know. I guess the only thing I can hope for is that you trust me enough to help out in this crisis. Still, trust might not be enough when you have to constantly look over your shoulder for signs of robbery and theft. If what I've heard is true, then things are just going to get worse from here on out.

Then there's the thing with my family. We already have to drive to see each other, and now I can barely see them at all. I'm forced to talk over the phone, when I want to see them in person. I'm not comfortable with a cell phone as it is, just complicating things even more.What if something happens to them, and I need to see them as soon as possible? Will our lack of oil and foresight stop me from seeing my family again? Just another worry I guess, just another addition to my fears of losing those closest to me and having to move on without them.

I apologize, but I needed to get that off my chest. I can't think of anything intelligent to say this week. Just keep those you love close to you, and never forget that they are what is important. I feel that the world will soon fall into chaos around us, and there will be casualties. No riot has gone without at least one. Direct others to this site, so they may help in the crisis of oil management. The more we have to help, the more positive our efforts will be. Keep in mind those suffering from a weakening economy, those who live in large areas where gas is already at a premium. Once the nightmare strikes the world, they will be the first to know.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Distance Between Two Points

Good news and bad news coming down the pipeline this week. Most of it involves my dad and the pressure on him to travel everywhere in a week.

For those who don't know, My parents have been divorced for a few years now. It should be around four this month. My mother and him were living separately for a while before that. The whole thing put a scar on me that I still feel once in a while. I remember once incident in particular when I was thirteen or fourteen, during my religious education class. My parents were going to have their divorce hearing that day, and I was bummed out to say the least. Before I know it, I'm sitting in the bathroom in tears over the whole thing, at a point where everything was too much to handle. The hearing was moved, so I was relieved for a little. Even if the divorce did happen eventually, I at least got to see my dad on a weekly basis. I feel sorry for kids in my position who see their parents less often, or never get to see them again after walking out that door for the last time. Those kids need the support as well, whether from their family or friends.

With these prices going up the way they are, I have a feeling the distance between my father and I might get wider. He lives only a half-hour away, but I don't know how long he intends to stay there. He has talked about moving somewhere less expensive than Jersey, and with his job the way it is, he might move closer to North Carolina. Topped with the prices getting out of hand, our time together might only get shorter than it already is. Talking to him by phone is better than not talking at all, but I would like to see him in person. I'm a lot more comfortable talking to him directly than over a phone, and i don't want that to change.

I suppose the only good news to come out of all this is also for my dad. Since fuel is so damn expensive, my dad's boss has decided to have him fly down south for business instead of driving down like he normally does. I guess he figured driving all that way wasn't really a good idea with fuel the way it is. I am glad at least one thing is working out for my dad.

The same doesn't look to apply to me though. A few of my family members are considering moving in the near future, some to places farther away from my house than they currently are. If they decide to do so, the distance between me and everyone other than me will just increase. Not being able to see my family as often is something I would rather live without.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Freewrite: The (Untamed?) North

First off, a shout out to mpathytest of the Eight. I never realized another Jerseyan was in on this until I read your blog. Perhaps we can talk on AIM sometime. On top of that, shout-outs to Hymir and Timantha. The North Atlantic needs some support, so keep on posting.

Today's freewrite focuses on an understated topic in this time of oil shock. I am referring to the potential oil reserves in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This controversy seems appropriate for the situation, and it is bound to flare up again as the crisis continues. We ought to be discussing this out in the open, yet I have yet to see a Netizen refer to it.

For those new to the controversy, there have been attempts as recently as 2005 to allow for drilling in the Refuge. The government thinks there might be anywhere from five billion to sixteen billion barrels of oil to be had from drilling operations. Of course, there is the obvious controversy of drilling near the homes of wildlife and violating the sanctity of the refuge just for our own greed. The opponents of any attempts to drill think the amount of oil to be had from the reserve is around three billion barrels; a much smaller amount than the government predicts.

As usual, it's the environmentalists against the energy lovers here. How are we to discern a more reasonable position from the two extremes? Well, I could start by saying that we don't need to drill everywhere on the refuge for oil. Pick a few spots, put drilling operations down, and when they are tapped, move along to other areas, all while restoring the drill site to as close to its untouched state as possible. We minimize wildlife disturbance and get our oil at the same time.

As for moving the drilling site, perhaps we ought to turn to our good friend ingenuity for a response. New drilling technology should focus on portability; that is, the drill site can be assembled from pre-made parts and taken down and moved when necessary. I don't think this is as far-fetched as it sounds; If we could make airplanes, portable computers and portable food, we can at least try to make portable drilling equipment.

As for the use of that oil, I wouldn't be so hasty as to turn it into gasoline. We need to divide it as necessary; some to agriculture, some to energy, some to fuel. I feel that despite the lack of versatility of alternative energy options, they could be put to use in areas like farming and natural energy production. The only real place that they cannot work as well is in plastics production and fuel for our machines. Oil has too much energy to make up for with bio fuels as it is, and the production of large quantities of such fuel is impractical. Our best bet is to work on a mixture if conventional and unconventional energy, at least until we have made satisfactory progress in kicking our oil dependence.

All I'm trying to say is that such drilling cannot be the answer to our crisis, but it might be able to help us along if done in a practical and eco-friendly manner. Once we have obtained the oil from the refuge, then it should be divided appropriately, with basic human needs like food and warmth in winter coming before our luxuries. When the issue undoubtedly comes up again in Congress, we ought to push for the middle road, as opposed to the left or right path.

The "Me Decade" Revisited

Well, I paid my dad back. I told him to keep his money for himself, and to focus on his own fuel needs over us. He took it calmly, and just said not to worry about it. My dad truly has the patience of a saint to put up with this and the travel needs of his job. He occasionally had to go down to South Carolina for meetings with his boss, and now it looks even more likely that he'll have to move down there. I'm conflicted over whether or not I should support him or try to suggest another solution. If he moves, then I might have to move with him. That, or I stay until my mother decides to move, forcing me to live on-campus at double what I have to pay now. Whatever happens, I feel as if I'm sort of screwed.

To the problem at hand for the week: we're finally getting brownouts, availability of oil is dwindling slowly but surely, and we need to prevent havoc from breaking out. No oil is one thing, but mass panic is another. We will definitely have to look back to the gas shortages of 1973-74 for advice and ways to help minimize the havoc. We NEED to ration gas before things get really out of hand. I don't care how--odd-even calendar days, license plate numbers, even limiting service to X amount of customers a day; just something to keep people rational.

It might not please the Eight to hear this, but the government will be needed here. I doubt that large groups of people that desire fuel could ration it themselves,given our need for the stuff. We as victims of the consumerist economy, desire comforts and luxury, including stuff we didn't think we needed. I think advertising and the bottom line has helped lead us in this direction, far after the "Me Decade" ended. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Such a line never rung truer.

I've got another Freewrite loaded up, and then I'm going to bed. Tonight, I might dream of my friends over in the Big Apple. Ten million people, all on the verge of the abyss if nothing is done to help them. Keep the urbanites in your hearts and minds folks...soon they will need us.